The paper "Towards Robust Hydrogen Combustion: Precise Lube Oil Consumption Measurement as an Enabler for Tackling Pre-Ignition" focuses on one...
We are thrilled to announce the 6th Large Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum (LSSTF), which will take place on 26 June...
The UN campaign “Orange the World” has been raising awareness of violence against women and girls since 1991: from the...
The review article 'Turbulent combustion modelling for internal combustion engine CFD: A review' provides a comprehensive overview of turbulent combustion...
A research team at the LEC has developed an innovative method for certifying 'green' fuels. The aim is to support...
Our latest publication, "Ammonia as a Fuel: Optical Investigation of Turbulent Flame Propagation of NH₃/Air and NH₃/H₂/N₂/Air Flames at Engine...
The aim of the EU's APOLO project is to enable the use of ammonia in shipping, thereby making a significant...
Graz University of Technology, the COMET K1 research centre LEC (Large Engines Competence Centre) and renowned Austrian companies from the...
The excitement is great! The Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD 2024 in the category research goes to the LEC! The COMET...
Register now! The Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) together with the Large Engines Competence Centre (LEC) is organising the 5th LEC...
On Wednesday, 6 March 2024, there will be an ÖVK lecture by Ao. Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.techn Andreas WIMMER; CEO and...
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February 2024, we would like...
On 25 January 2024, up-and-coming scientists working on viable solutions for energy systems of the future were honoured at the...
The LEC is delighted to receive funding for the new COMET module LEC FFF! The module will provide the scientific...
11 partners from 8 countries, including the LEC, have joined forces to accelerate the decarbonisation of the maritime transportation sector...
Die 16 Tage "Orange the World" gegen geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt sind eine jährliche UN-Kampagne, die am 25. November, dem Internationalen Tag...
Grünes Ammoniak ist ein Schlüssel der Energiewende. Die INNIO Group in Jenbach (Standortagentur Tirol Clustermitglied Erneuerbare Energien und Hydrogen Partnership...
Dr Stephan Laiminger significantly contributed to the establishment of modern large engine research at Graz University of Technology and to...
This year's conference focussed on innovative combustion concepts for future fuels (hydrogen, ammonia, methanol and other e-fuels), the electrification of...
With the already 3rd edition of the LEC Data Challenge, we were able to motivate 46 data science teams from...
Anlässlich seines 20-jährigen Bestehens hat das LEC zu einer hochkarätig besetzten Podiumsdiskussion in die Grazer Seifenfabrik eingeladen, um den globalen...
To party together again after Corona - that was the goal for this year's Christmas party in the Graz Kunsthaus....
Date: November 17, 2022 Time: 8:30 – 10:00 (local time) Location: Lisbon Congress Centre – CCL Room: PAV 1, Room...
Grazer Großmotorenforscher leisten Pionierarbeit in der Nutzung von Wasserstoff, Ammoniak und anderen E-Fuels für nachhaltige Energie- und Transportsysteme. Eine völlig...
Every summer at the LEC, we offer students the opportunity to gain practical experience in research and a comprehensive insight...
HyMethShip final stakeholder event, Dec. 15th, online
Recap of the 12th CIMAC Cascades in Graz
61 teams from 19 nations participated in the LEC Data Challenge! This year, young data analysts from a wide range...
From 3 May to 16 August 2021, data scientists from various disciplines have the opportunity to participate in this year's...
The 18th Symposium on Sustainability in Mobility, Transport and Power Generation (formerly "The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine")...
Bringing you tomorrow’s green innovation, today! The Large Engines Competence Center LEC together with the Hamburg Port Authority and in...
Austria's weekly magazine NEWS reported on December 18 2020 in its "Research Special" on LEC research on emission-free drives for...
The past year once again brought numerous achievements and joyful moments, but also unplanned challenges in times of COVID-19. The fact that...
The UN campaign @orangetheworld raised awareness of violence against women around the world through December 10th. Many buildings throughout Austria...
Since November 25th (International Day against Violence against Women) and until December 10th 2020 (International Human Rights Day) many buildings...
With the campaign around the delivery of the huge engine for the LEC - Large Engines Competence Center world-class large...
The LEC was honoured with the Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD 2020 in the category Worldwide with the project "HiFlexPowerGen -...
The publishing house Springer Fachmedien will publish a manual for diesel engines. Prof. Andreas Wimmer has made a contribution to...
The scientific journal "Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science" has been published by the scientific publishing company Elsevier since 1988. In...
The universe’s lightest and most plentiful element turns out to be a fickle fuel to manage. The Large Engines Competence...
The 6th Rostock Large Engines Symposium will take place from September 3rd to 4th 2020 in Rostock, Germany. Prof. Andreas...
New concepts for large engines worldwide - the power plant in Mellach as a "Real-Life Laboratory": The Large Engines Competence...
Until recently Autria's last coal-fired power station war operated in Mellach, Styria. Now it will be turned into a giant...
The Large Engine Competence Center (LEC) plays a central role in the fight against climate change and the simultaneaous worldwide...
The Large Engine Competence Center (LEC) plays a central role in the fight against climate change and the simultaneous worldwide...
The 4th South East European conference for Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SEE SDEWES) took place online...
How to get the most out of large engines and make them more environmentally friendly at the same time -...
Die Blue Week ist eine Konferenz zum Thema der nachhaltigen Nutzung der Umwelt im maritimen Sektor, welche vom Blue Forum,...
The LEC in Graz is currently constructin one of the largest and most innovative engine test beds für sustainable propulsion...
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the symposium, which would have taken place from the 21st to the 23rd of April...
Due to the situation around COVID-19 the 12th CIMAC CASCADES which was to be held on April 26-27 has been...
115 participants from 18 countries took part in the LEC Data Challenge! We asked young data analysts from various disciplines...
Initiated and coordinated by the Graz LEC, large engine research centres from all over the world have joined forces to...
The International Combustion Engines Fall Conference (ICEF) took place in Chicago from hte 20th until the 23rd of October 2019....
Green and sustainable, economical and feasible—that’s how the propulsion systems of the future should be. The shipping sector also needs...
From 26 to 27 September 2019 the very first “Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum” took place in Graz.
The Large Engines Competence Center (LEC) has won the renowned Fast Forward Award in the category Institutions of Research and...
The Fast Forward Award is one of the most renowned economic awards in Austria. The Large Engines Competence Center (LEC)...
The CIMAC Congress is the most important platform for exchanging information as well as for personal contact within the field...
With our first LEC Data Challenge, we would like to encourage data-enthusiastic students and practitioners from various disciplines to develop...
The 22. International Conference on Wear of Materials took place from the 14th to the 18th of April 2019 in...
Prof. Andreas Wimmer, CEO and scientific director of the Large Engines Competence Center (LEC), and Dipl.-Ing. Michael Wohlthan have contributed...
The 17th Symposium “The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine” will take place from September 26th to 27th, 2019...
On the 13th of June 2018 the Large Engines Competence Center (LEC), in cooperation with the Graz University of Technology...
A breakthrough against traffic induced air pollution: The goal of the Europe-wide innovation project HyMethShip is to reduced emissions by...
Solarify, an information portal of the Max-Planck-Society, reported about the research project lead by the Large Engine Competence Center (LEC)...
Shipping is indispensable in the global economic and transport system, but very problematic with regards to the environment. The goal...
Ships are highly polluting – researchers from Graz, Austria, now want to change that through an EU-project. Doris Griesser and...
Large Engines. A Europe-wide naval research project is kicking off in Graz, Austria. The researchers’ goal is to make the...
Cruise ships and big cargo ships are amongst the biggest creators of traffic related air pollution. Researchers at the Graz...
A breakthrough has been achieved against air pollution caused by traffic. Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by 97 percent while operating...
Breakthrough against traffic generated air pollution: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 97 percent at the highest degree of energy efficiency...
Even though e-mobility is considered the propulsion of the future, combustion engines will remain the technological reality for a long...
Industrial Nations want to drastically lower their CO2 emissions by 2050. Experts at the engine conference agreed, that this will...
The combustion engine will keep playing a significant role in the next decades, especially in the transport of goods. The...
80 percent of freight transport happens on the ocean. Therefore, one of the main goals of environmental protection is to...
Together with the Graz University of Technology the Large Engines Competence Center (LEC) makes essential contributions to achieving progress in...
The Large Engines Competence Center contributes essentially to the reduction of emissions by ships, utility vehicles and trains. The magazine...
According to current numbers freight transport will continue to increase worldwide in the future. While the efficiency and the emissions...
Once more six students had the opportunity to do an internship at the Large Engines Competence Center. The magazine Steirische...
Within the scope of her dissertation a LEC-employee is working on algorithms, which should optimize the reliability of test beds....
Despite the trend towards electrical engines the LEC continues researching large engines and contributes to making large engines cleaner and...
Why do we need large engines and how can they become more environmentally friendly? Six high-school students from Graz have...
The current Team Leader of Sensor Development & Test Rigs at the Large Engines Competence Center, Dr. Sebastian Salbrechter, wrote...
The scientists at the University of Technology Graz and the Large Engines Competence Center (LEC) continue their research on combustion...
In a press talk Prof. Andreas Wimmer, CEO of the LEC, emphasizes the lasting relevance of internal combustion engines. The...
In spite of the recent trend towards electrically powered vehicles in urban traffic, combustion engines will remain essential in many...
Everyone is talking about electromobility, which is increasingly being regarded as a sustainable alternative to internal combustion engines. It seems...
Everyone is talking about electromobility, which is increasingly being regarded as a sustainable alternative to internal combustion engines. It seems...
The Large Engines Competence Center is Austria's leading research facility in the area of research and development for large engine...
The conference deals with internal engine processes and their effects on fuel consumption, emissions and noise as well as with...
How can large engines – engines for ships, locomotives or mining trucks – be made more environmentally friendly? The Graz...
Organized by the GEWINN business magazine with the support of UniCredit Bank Austria and 3, the 27th GEWINN Young Entrepreneurs...
More stringent environmental regulations for shipping are forcing shipyards to change over to ship propulsion systems that run on environmentally...
Researchers in Graz are working on making the giant propulsion systems in ships and locomotives as well as power generation...
Science through cooperation – the research location Graz realized very early on, that more can be achieved this way than...
Graz's Large Engine Competence Center is developing innovative concepts for large dual fuel engines that can be operated with diesel...
Profil reports on the high pressure gas supply system at the Large Engines Competence Center that is being used to...
How can large engines – engines used in ships, locomotives or mining trucks – be made more environmentally friendly? The...
More stringent environmental regulations for shipping are forcing shipyards to change over to ship propulsion systems that run on environmentally...
Prof. Wimmer presented a publication about simulation at the event.
An authentic glimpse into the fascinating world of large engines and modern combustion technology is available to high school students...
Four secondary school students are currently getting a real glimpse into the fascinating world of large engines and modern combustion...
From industrial heavyweights to resourceful SMEs to agile micro-enterprises – the newspaper Kleine Zeitung reports on Styrian companies whose innovations...
Large engines are used to generate power and fuel ships, locomotives and mining trucks. They all should be operated more...
Since January 2016 a Supercomputer from the Olympic partner Atos assists the LEC in their large engine research. The company...
Neue Konzepte zur Verringerung des Schadstoffausstoßes von Großmotoren - Dies ist das Kernaufgabengebiet des Large Engines Competence Center, kurz LEC,...
The LEC's goal is to the lower large engine emissions and to optimize the efficiency, all while protecting the environment....
From the 6th to the 10th of June 2016 the 28th CIMAC World Congress took place in Helsinki, Finland. Andreas...
From the 18th to the 20th of May 2016 the 6th International Conference and Workshop REMOO took place in Budva,...
The "Profil" published an article about the LEC research on environmentally friendly marine engines.
On the 11th and 12th of Mai 2016 the 12th International Symposium for Combustion Diagnostics took place in Baden-Baden, Germany....
The LEC has been nominated for the Energy Globe Award 2016 with their project entry.
On the 28th and 29th of April 2016 the 37th Vienna Engine Symposium took place in Vienna, Austria. Andreas Wimmer,...
Markus Kenn and Michael Wohltat have been invited to the Symposium for Industrial Automation to hold a lecture.
As part of the Workshop Dual Fuel Combustion at the University of Rostock, Germany, Prof. Andreas Wimmer held a lecture.
On the 28th of April 2016 the 15th Tyrol Girl's Day took place. Altogether 578 girls from 29 schools took...
Over the course of the annual Long Night of Research styrian competence centers have the chance to present themselves to...
The programme “T3UG” –Teens Tackle Technology aims to encourage girls to study a technical or natural science. Over the course...
The publishing house Springer Fachmedien will publish a manual for diesel engines. Prof. Andreas Wimmer has made a contribution to...
You are fascinated by engines and would like to gain insight into the development of large engines? With the talent-internship...
As part of the SAE World Congress 2016 Prof. Andreas Wimmer publishes a paper written with other authors.
On the 9th of March 2016 Prof. Andreas Wimmer, A. Birgel, S. Köberl, and C. Trapp will publish an entry...
How to approach the peak of success? With a technical education! Four experts – among them Andreas Wimmer, CEO and...
Since January of 2016 the LEC is an associate member of the Research Association for Combustion Engines (FVV). Under the...
The LEC is expanding its team and seeking employees to work on providing sustainable solutions for power generation and transportation...
The article “Innovation in Tirol” appeared in the Tiroler Tageszeitung newspaper in December with a focus on the LEC-COMET project...
The Motortechnische Zeitschrift (MTZ) held its 10th International Conference. Prof. Andreas Wimmmer published a paper.
Mobility and power generation are some of the most important areas of modern life. We continue to be presented with...
The LEC has been nominated for the Energy Globe 2015 in the category FIRE for the project “ Blast Furnace...
The only research center to participate, the LEC reached 22nd place in a field of more than 1000 submissions. GEWINN...
Environmental impact is a key topic for research and development of new concepts for internal combustion (IC) engines. Regardless of...
As part of the conference Georg Meyer, LEC and TU Graz, published a paper.
Over 200 guests and partners from around the world accepted the invitation from Andreas Wimmer and his team to attend...
Andreas Wimmer publishes a paper in the scientific newspaper "Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power".
The 7th International AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies International User Conference took place from the 23rd to the 25th of June...
The Team Leader of “Sensor Development and Test Rigs” at the LEC has been awarded the 2nd place of the...
The event’s slogan is “Smart Production & Services.”
The 9th “Dessauer Gasmotoren Konferenz” took place on the 16th and 17th of April 2015 at the event centre “Golfpark...
Jan Zelenka was invited to hold a lecture at the European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors Forum Spring 2015.
It is not true that women are less interested in technology per se. Many have simply not attempted to break...
Andreas Wimmer publishes a paper in the scientific journal of Kistler AG.
The Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers organizes a lecture held by Prof. Andreas Wimmer.
The 6th Austrian CIMAC CASCADES Seminar took place on the 27th of February 2015 at the Campus of the Graz...
Even if Graz is not the first place that springs to mind in connection with the world's largest container ships...
CIMAC CASCADES 2015 took place at Graz University of Technology at the end of February. The LEC co-organized the event....
With the motto “Private and Public Research Must Be More Closely Linked,” General Electric continues to expand its research center...
After the most recent decision by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), Styria remains by far the province with the...
The LEC is the winner of the LAND STEIERMARK Forschungspreis Simulation und Modellierung 2013 in the 2nd category “wirtschaftliche Anwendung”.
The LEC has won the Styrian Energy Globe Award in the category FIRE with the project “Hocheffizientes Verbrennungskonzept für den...
The LEC won the 2nd place at the 2012 Houskapreis awards ceremony with the project “COBUSTION CONCEPT J920 – Ein...