Dipl.-Ing. Anton Tilz is a researcher in the LEC’s Area C – Robust Engine Solutions, working on the reliability and durability of engine systems and the development of robust engine components as well as highly innovative monitoring tools. His paper “Experimental investigation of the influence of ignition system parameters on large lean burn spark ignited gas engines” will be published in the 119. Volume of Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science on the 1st of November 2020.


The highlights of the publication are:

  • Influence of spark current duration on combustion behavior observed

  • Isolated investigation of arc behavior at engine like conditions on an arc test rig

  • Increasing spark current duration leads to a more stable and faster combustion

  • Increasing spark current duration leads to increasing cycle averaged arc length

  • Results suggest: dissipated secondary energy and arc length influence combustion

Read the paper here.
Learn more about Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science.


Recommended citation:

Experimental investigation of the influence of ignition system parameters on combustion behavior in large lean burn spark ignited gas engines. / Tilz, Anton; Kiesling, Constantin; Meyer, Georg; Nickl, Andreas; Pirker, Gerhard; Wimmer, Andreas.
in: Experimental thermal and fluid science, Jahrgang 119, 19.05.2020.

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