Nearly Emission-Free Ship Engine
Nearly Emission-Free Ship Engine
According to Andreas Wimmer, CEO and scientific head of the Large Engines Competence Center (LEC), large engines all work the same, no matter if they are used to produce energy or to propel ships. Starting on the 1st of July 2018 the 13 consortium partners will develop environmentally friendly technologies over the course of the EU-wide HyMethShip project. The leading coordinator of HyMethShip is the LEC.
The ambitious goal of the marine research initiative is reducing CO2 emission by 97 percent and lowering nitrogen oxide values by 80 percent, all while increasing the efficiency. The energy source for this propulsion system is supposed to be hydrogen. Researchers will combine already existing technologies to convert methanol into hydrogen on board using renewable wind or solar energy. The CO2 resulting as a by-product will be stored in tanks and transported back to shore, where it can be used again in the production of methanol. Wimmer explains, that this way there is a closed CO2 cycle, practically without any air pollution.
Read the article in full lengt here.
Press coverage
Ein Schiffsmotor fast ohne Emissionen
Die Presse,