Entschuldige, wir konnten das nicht finden.
Posts nach: plengauer
Roadmap towards robust hydrogen combustion
Roadmap zur robusten Wasserstoffverbrennung
Save the date: Next LSSTF on June 26, 2025 in Graz, Austria
Save the Date: nächstes LSSTF am 26.6.2025 in Graz!
LEC illuminates for “Orange the World”
In-depth insight into turbulent combustion modelling
Sind grüne Kraftstoffe wirklich grün?
Umfassende Einblicke in die Simulation turbulenter Verbrennung
Vielversprechende Studie zu Ammoniak als Kraftstoff
The APOLO ammonia project: new insights
Ammoniak-Projekt APOLO: Neue Einblicke
New professorship for "High-Performance Large Engine Systems" at Graz University of Technology
Neue Professur „High-performance Large Engine Systems“ an TU Graz
LEC wins Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD 2024!
LEC mit Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD 2024 ausgezeichnet!
Next LSSTF-Forum: 19. & 20. Juni 2024, online
Nächstes LSSTF-Forum: 19. und 20. Juni 2024, online
Lecture by Prof Andreas Wimmer: Large engines on the way to climate neutrality
Vortrag von Prof. Andreas Wimmer: Großmotoren auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität
Inspiration for girls and women in science: Dr Nicole Wermuth gives some insight into her research career in the large engine sector
Inspiration für Mädchen und Frauen in der Forschung: Dr. Nicole Wermuth im Interview über ihre Forschungskarriere im Großmotorenbereich
LEC researcher Marcel Lackner honoured with eFuels Award 2024!
LEC Forscher Marcel Lackner mit eFuels Award 2024 ausgezeichnet!
Strong boost for cutting-edge research in Austria: Start of new COMET module "LEC FFF - Future Fuel Fundamentals"
Kräftiger Schub für die Spitzenforschung in Österreich: Startschuss für neues COMET Modul "LEC FFF - Future Fuel Fundamentals"
Launch of the new APOLO project, a step forward for the use of ammonia in maritime transportation
Launch of the new APOLO project, a step forward for the use of ammonia in maritime transportation
LEC engineers shape the future #5: The area “Data Analytics and Controls” introduces itself 😃
LEC engineers shape the future #5: The area “Data Analytics and Controls” introduces itself 😃
LEC leuchtet für "Orange the World" #16 Tage
LEC leuchtet für "Orange the World" #16 Tage
PK: Tiroler-Steirische Forschungsallianz testet erfolgreich Ammoniakbetrieb
PK: Tiroler-Steirische Forschungsallianz testet erfolgreich Ammoniakbetrieb
LEC congratulates: Stephan Laiminger appointed Honorary Senator of Graz University of Technology!
LEC gratuliert: Stephan Laiminger zum Ehrensenator der TU Graz ernannt!
Relive our SMTP, LSSTF and LEC DC 2023 events here in our retrospective
Relive our SMTP, LSSTF and LEC DC 2023 events here in our retrospective
What is the energy source of the future?
Was ist der Energieträger der Zukunft?
Gratulation an die Gewinner der LEC DC 2023!
Congratulations all winners of the Data Challenge 2023!
Finding optimal control strategies for renewable microgrids using LEC ENERsim
Finding optimal control strategies for renewable microgrids using LEC ENERsim
Operating range for NH3 combustion concepts
Operating range for NH3 combustion concepts
Internationale Fachtagung zur Dekarbonisierung des Mobilitäts- und Energiesektors Graz, 28.-29.9.2023
Internationale Fachtagung zur Dekarbonisierung des Mobilitäts- und Energiesektors Graz, 28.-29.9.2023
PK "Grüne Großmotoren als Treiber für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft"
LEC engineers shape the future #4: this time the Team Implementation introduces itself 😃
LEC engineers shape the future #4: this time the Team Implementation introduces itself 😃
4 LEC publications at WCX™ World Congress Experience 2023, Detroit
4 LEC publications at WCX™ World Congress Experience 2023, Detroit
LEC Data Challenge 2023🏆
3rd LEC Data Challenge: Large Engines – Big Data
3rd LEC Data Challenge: Large Engines – Big Data
Open Professorship for High-performance Large Engine Systems @ TU Graz
Open Professorship for High-performance Large Engine Systems @ TU Graz
PK "Grüne Großmotoren als Treiber für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft"
Save the date: 13.04.2023 | LEC | Radar-Veranstaltung „Grünes Ammoniak“ - Künftiger Baustein für die Dekarbonisierung
LEC engineers shape the future #3: Research Area A “Combustion and Fuels” introduces itself 😃
LEC engineers shape the future #3: Research Area A “Combustion and Fuels” introduces itself 😃
We were allowed to give insights into the LEC to an intern again.
We were allowed to give insights into the LEC to an intern again.
LEC engineers shape the future #2: this time the Team AI-enhanced Modeling introduces itself😃
LEC engineers shape the future #2: this time the Team AI-enhanced Modeling introduces itself😃
Female power in research
LEC engineers shape the future: 1. Team Sensor Technology introduces itself: 😃
LEC engineers shape the future: 1. Team Sensor Technology introduces itself: 😃
Good bye Zahra Salarian and Ezequiel Almeida - a cool time full of intercultural exchange with our Iaeste interns from Brazil and Iran comes to an end.
Good bye Zahra Salarian and Ezequiel Almeida - a cool time full of intercultural exchange with our Iaeste interns from Brazil and Iran comes to an end.
Simplified cylinder liner surface evaluation
Simplified cylinder liner surface evaluation
Christmas time at the LEC
SMTP Tagung 28.-29. September in Graz
SMTP Tagung 28.-29. September in Graz
LEC & HPA kindly invite you to the TRA Invited Session no. 59 “On the Way to Zero-Emission Shipping“
LEC & HPA kindly invite you to the TRA Invited Session no. 59 “On the Way to Zero-Emission Shipping“
Best Paper Award @ IMEKO TC10!
Techno-economic performance of HyMethShip compared to other maritime energy systems
Techno-economic performance of HyMethShip compared to other maritime energy systems
Meet LEC at the RGMT - Rostock Large Engine Symposium!
Meet LEC at the RGMT - Rostock Large Engine Symposium!
Last chance to secure an online ticket for the LSSTF Forum starting next Monday
Last chance to secure an online ticket for the LSSTF Forum starting next Monday
Pressegespräch: E-Fuels als Schlüssel für eine klimaneutrale und energiesichere Zukunft - europaweit einzigartige Ammoniak-Infrastruktur in Graz
Pressegespräch: E-Fuels als Schlüssel für eine klimaneutrale und energiesichere Zukunft - europaweit einzigartige Ammoniak-Infrastruktur in Graz
Discovering talents: Student internship at the LEC
Talente entdecken: Schüler*innen-Praktikum am LEC
High-precision measurement of lubricating oil consumption
High-precision measurement of lubricating oil consumption
Landespreis Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD 2022
Landespreis Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD 2022
New LEC Publication - Sliding bearings must not run hot
LEC launches ammonia fueling for engine test bed operation
LEC launches ammonia fueling for engine test bed operation
Hydrogen-based innovation could help shipping go green
Hydrogen-based innovation could help shipping go green
LEC Digitization Strategy as a decarbonization driver
LEC-Digitalisierungsstrategie als Dekarbonisierungstreiber
Partnermeeting of the COMET Module LEC HybTec
Partnertreffen zum COMET Modul LEC HybTec
HyMethShip und Wege zur klimaneutralen Schifffahrt
HyMethShip und Wege zur klimaneutralen Schifffahrt
HyMethShip final stakeholder event, Dec. 15th, online
HyMethShip final stakeholder event, Dec. 15th, online
Recap of the 12th CIMAC Cascades in Graz
Recap of the 12th CIMAC Cascades in Graz
This was the 18th meeting...
Graz wird zur Startrampe für internationale Techniker-Karrieren
Save-the-date: CIMAC CASCADES 2021 will take place on 22 September
Save-the-date: CIMAC CASCADES 2021 findet am 22. September statt
H2 Research Map: Grüne Wasserstofftechnologien im Überblick
Save the Date! International Symposium for Sustainability in Mobility, Transport and Power Generation, Sept 23-24
Save the Date! Internationales Symposium für Nachhaltigkeit in Mobilität, Transport und Energieerzeugung, Sept 23-24
Save the date: LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum, April 27-28
Save the date: LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum, April 27-28
NEWS: Large engines research for climate protection
Season's Greetings | Jahresrückblick 2020
LEC’S christmas donation 2020 for the women's shelters in Styria
NEWS: Großmotorenforschung für den Klimaschutz
LEC-Weihnachtsspende für die Frauenhäuser in der Steiermark
PR-Panther 2020: Ein würdiger Sieger!
Interview: Ein großer Motor für die Zukunft
Interview "Emissionsarme Großmotoren: E-Fuels als Schlüssel zum Erfolg"
PR Panther 2020: LEC im Bereich Wissenschaft nominiert
Honoured with the Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD 2020
Ausgezeichnet mit dem Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD 2020
Entry in the Handbuch Dieselmotoren by Springer Fachmedien
Beitrag im Handbuch Dieselmotoren von Springer Fachmedien
Publikation in der Fachzeitschrift Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Publication in the Journal Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Hottest New Fuel Proves Hard to Handle
Innovativer Kraftstoff dank LEC-Technik sicherer
Save the Date: 6th Rostock Large Engines Symposium
AVISO: 6. Rostocker Großmotorentagung
Wasserstoff-Revolution: So treiben Steirer die Energiewende voran
Hydrogen Revolution: How Styrians are Driving the Energy Transition
Green Energy Instead of a Coal Power Plant in Mellach
Grüne Energie statt Kohlekraftwerk in Mellach
Reaching Global Climate Goals: "Green" Large Engines from Graz Make It Possible
Globale Klimaziele erreichen: "Grüne" Großmotoren aus Graz machen es möglich
Globale Klimaziele erreichen mit „grünen“ Großmotoren
Reaching Global Climate Goals with „Green“ Large Engines
Green Super Engines to Become Even More Efficient
Grüne Supermotoren sollen noch leistungsfähiger werden
Erfolgreiche Blue Week 2020 Konferenz
Emission-Free Ship Engines in Sight at the LEC
Emissionsfreier Schiffsmotor am LEC in Sicht
LEC-Publications in the Conference Proceedings of the SAE World Congress 2020
LEC-Publikationen im Kongressband des SAE World Congress 2020
HyMethShip auf der "Motorship Propulsion & Future Fuels Conference" in Hamburg
HyMethShip at the "Motorship Propulsion & Future Fuels Conference" in Hamburg
Erstes Großmotorennetzwerk LEGRIP erfolgreich gestartet
First large engine network LEGRIP successfully started
Erfolgreiche ASME ICEF 2019 Konferenz
European Energy Innovation: On course with HyMethShip
European Energy Innovation: Mit HyMethShip auf Kurs
First LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies for a Sustainable Tomorrow
1. LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies for a Sustainable Tomorrow
LEC Nominated for Fast Forward Award 2019
LEC für Fast Forward Award 2019 nominiert
CIMAC Congress 2019: Encounter with the Future of Large Engines
CIMAC-Kongress 2019: Begegnung mit der Zukunft der Großmotoren
LEC zeigt beim E-Businessmarathon der Woche auf
Successful Wear of Materials Conference 2019
Erfolgreiche Wear of Materials Konferenz 2019
Contribution to the 9th edition of "Grundlagen Verbrennungsmotoren"
Beitrag zur 9. Auflage von "Grundlagen Verbrennungsmotoren"
Save the Date! International Symposium focusing on Sustainable Mobility, Transport and Power Generation
Save the Date! Internationales Symposium fokussiert auf Nachhaltigkeit in Mobilität, Transport und Energieerzeugung
Europaweites LEC Projekt sticht in See
Emission Free on the High Seas: Researches from Graz Set the Course for Europe
Emissionsfreie Hochseeschifffahrt: Grazer Forscher übernehmen europaweit das Steuer
Grazer Forscher "übernehmen europaweit das Steuer"
HyMethShip: Eco-Revolution in Shipping from Graz
HyMethShip: Öko-Revolution der Schifffahrt aus Graz
Green Turn on the High Seas: Ships to Become Environmentally Friendly
Grüne Wende auf hoher See: Schiffe sollen umweltfreundlicher werden
TU Graz Researches Emission-Free Marine Engines
TU Graz forscht an emissionsfreien Schiffsmotoren
Researchers from Graz Take the Helm
Grazer Forscher übernehmen europaweit das Steuer
Press Conference: “Emission-Free High Sea Navigation: Researchers from Graz Take the Helm Europe-Wide”
Pressekonferenz zum Thema “Emissionsfreie Hochseeschifffahrt: Grazer Forscher übernehmen europaweit das Steuer”
Researchers Give Combustion Engines a Long Future
Forscher geben Verbrennungsmotor eine lange Zukunft
Climate Goals of Industrial Nations not Realizable Without Combustion Engines
Klimaziele der Industriestaaten ohne Verbrennungsmotor nicht realisierbar
Andreas Wimmer: “Zero Emission is a Realisable Goal”
Andreas Wimmer: "Zero Emission ist ein realisierbares Ziel"
Clean Ships: LEC Researchers are on Board
Saubere Schiffe: LEC-Forscher sind an Bord
LEC Bets on Green Engine Research
Engine Research for Climate Protection
Engine Research Essential for Climate Protection
Motorenforschung essentiell für Klimaschutz
Development of young talents is a top priority at the LEC
Nachwuchsförderung wird am LEC großgeschrieben
Powerful Internships at the LEC
CFD-FE Simulation for the optimization of a cylinder pressure sensor application in a large engine
CFD-FE Simulation for the optimization of a cylinder pressure sensor application in a large engine
Verbrennungsmotoren: Warum man in der Forschung weiter Gas geben muss
TU Graz forscht trotz Elektro-Trend an Verbrennungsmotoren
Motorenexperten bremsen Euphorie um E-Autos
Engine Experts Dampen Euphoria About Electric Cars
Researchers Give Combustion Engines a Long Future
TU Graz Continues Research on Combustion Engines Despite Electrical Engine Trend
Internal Combustion Engines: Why Large Engine Research Needs to Step on the Gas
Application of 1D Simulation to Optimize Performance and Emissions of Large Gas Engines with Exhaust Gas Recirculation
Application of 1D Simulation to Optimize Performance and Emissions of Large Gas Engines with Exhaust Gas Recirculation
LDM COMPACT - a highly efficient method for developing gas engines for use with low enviromental impact non-natural gas
LDM COMPACT - a highly efficient method for developing gas engines for use with low enviromental impact non-natural gas
Modeling of injection and combustion phenomena in diesel ignited large gas engines
Modeling of injection and combustion phenomena in diesel ignited large gas engines
Sustainable Power Generation with Large Gas Engines
Sustainable Power Generation with Large Gas Engines
LEC SimShell - A tool for automation and quality assurance for CFD applications
LEC SimShell - A tool for automation and quality assurance for CFD applications
Lube Oil Consumption Measurement on Internal Combustion Engines
Lube Oil Consumption Measurement on Internal Combustion Engines
A thermodynamic model for the activated plasma kernal volume resulting from spark discharge at high pressures
A thermodynamic model for the activated plasma kernal volume resulting from spark discharge at high pressures
Potential of Using Flare Gases in CHP Applications
Potential of Using Flare Gases in CHP Applications
Meeting the Challenges for Tomorrow’s Power Generation Using Variable Intake Valve Train for Gas Engines
Meeting the Challenges for Tomorrow’s Power Generation Using Variable Intake Valve Train for Gas Engines
Internal Combustion Engines: Why Large Engine Research Needs to Step on the Gas
Trotz Elektro-Trend: TU Graz forscht weiter intensiv an Verbrennungsmotoren
Assessment of Electric Arc Models used in Recent Spark Ignition Models
Assessment of Electric Arc Models used in Recent Spark Ignition Models
Volle Kraft voraus mit Daten und Motoren
Towards a detailed spark ignition model for large gas engines - selected problems
Towards a detailed spark ignition model for large gas engines - selected problems
Anforderungen an die Diesel-Piloteinspritzung in Diesel-Gas Dual Fuel Motoren zur Erzielung höchster Wirkungsgrade bei niedrigsten Emissionen
Anforderungen an die Diesel-Piloteinspritzung in Diesel-Gas Dual Fuel Motoren zur Erzielung höchster Wirkungsgrade bei niedrigsten Emissionen
3D-CFD simulation of dual fuel combustion in a diesel ignited gas engine
3D-CFD simulation of dual fuel combustion in a diesel ignited gas engine
Modular Fault Diagnosis System for Engine Test Bed Measurements
Modular Fault Diagnosis System for Engine Test Bed Measurements
Multidimensional Modeling of Injection and Combustion Phenomena in a Diesel Ignited Gas Engine
Multidimensional Modeling of Injection and Combustion Phenomena in a Diesel Ignited Gas Engine
Simulation-Based Control of Transient SCE Operation
Simulation-Based Control of Transient SCE Operation
Development and Validation of a Reduced Reaction Mechanism for CFD Simulation of Diesel Ignited Gas Engines
Development and Validation of a Reduced Reaction Mechanism for CFD Simulation of Diesel Ignited Gas Engines
16th Conference “The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine”
16. Tagung: „Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors“, 28.-29.9.2017
The Quality of Gaseous Fuels and Consequences for Gas Engines
The Quality of Gaseous Fuels and Consequences for Gas Engines
Kurzfassung LEC - Large Engines Competence Center
Kurzfassung LEC - Large Engines Competence Center
Methodology for Automated Error Diagnosis on Engine Test Beds
Methodology for Automated Error Diagnosis on Engine Test Beds
Gas Instead of Heavy Oil: Graz Competence Center Conducts Research on Environmentally Friendly Large Engines for Ships and Locomotives
Gas statt Schweröl: Grazer Kompetenzzentrum forscht an umweltfreundlichen Großmotoren für Schiffe und Lokomotiven
LEC investiert 600.000 Euro in Gasanlage
The LEC Is One of the Best GEWINN Young Entrepreneurs of 2016
Das LEC zählt zu den besten GEWINN Jungunternehmern 2016
Einfluss der Diesel-Piloteinspritzung auf die Verbrennung in Diesel-Gas Dual Fuel Motoren
Einfluss der Diesel-Piloteinspritzung auf die Verbrennung in Diesel-Gas Dual Fuel Motoren
Variable Intake Valve Train to Optimize the Performance of a Large Bore Gas Engine
Variable Intake Valve Train to Optimize the Performance of a Large Bore Gas Engine
Ecotechnology for Ship Engines
Large Engines Become Greener
3D CFD Simulation of Diesel Ignited Large Gas Engines
3D CFD Simulation of Diesel Ignited Large Gas Engines
Showing Strength Together
Potential and Limitations of Dual Fuel Operation of High Speed Large Engines
Potential and Limitations of Dual Fuel Operation of High Speed Large Engines
Ecological Propulsion to Transport Tons
Ökologischer Antrieb für tonnenschwere Transporte
Researching with High Pressure
High Pressure Gas Supply System for Research – More Efficient Large Engines to Be Developed
Hochdruck-Gasanlage für Forschung - Effizientere Großmotoren sollen entwickelt werden
Quantum Leap in Environmentally Friendly Ship and Locomotive Propulsion Systems Made in Graz
Quantensprung für umweltfreundliche Schiffs- und Lokomotivantriebe in Graz
Graz Makes Engines More Environmentally Friendly
Grazer machen Motoren umweltfreundlicher
Eco-Engine for Ship and Locomotive: Dual Fuel to Increase Energy Efficiency
Öko-Motor für Schiff und Lok: Dual-Fuel soll Energieeffizienz erhöhen
Ventiltriebsvariabilität am Großgasmotor - Wirkungsgradsteigerung und Erweiterung des Betriebsbereiches
Ventiltriebsvariabilität am Großgasmotor - Wirkungsgradsteigerung und Erweiterung des Betriebsbereiches
Application of large-sized RCEM to a study on combustion in dual fuel gas engine operation
Application of large-sized RCEM to a study on combustion in dual fuel gas engine operation
Methods to Reduce Test Bed Work for Large Engine Combustion Development
Methods to Reduce Test Bed Work for Large Engine Combustion Development
Fortschritte bei Sondergasen - GE Gasmotoren mit hoher Leistung für wasserstoff- und kohlenmonoxidreiche Gase
Fortschritte bei Sondergasen - GE Gasmotoren mit hoher Leistung für wasserstoff- und kohlenmonoxidreiche Gase
Potential of CFD Simulation for Developing Low Soot Combustion Concepts for Large Bore Diesel Engines
Potential of CFD Simulation for Developing Low Soot Combustion Concepts for Large Bore Diesel Engines
Influence of size effect and stress gradient on the high-cycle fatigue strength of a 1.4542 steel
Influence of size effect and stress gradient on the high-cycle fatigue strength of a 1.4542 steel
Erfolgreiche Konferenz TRANS&Motauto 2016
1D Simulation as an Element of an Efficient Methodology for Engine Concept Development
1D Simulation as an Element of an Efficient Methodology for Engine Concept Development
Extraordinary Internships in the Fascinating World of Large Engines
Faszinierende Welt der Großmotoren, außergewöhnliche Praktika
Extraordinary Internships for Students at the LEC
Außergewöhnliche Praktika für SchülerInnen am LEC
Around the World – Styrian Know-How Demanded Globally
Supercomputer - Highly Complex Computer Simulations Are Essential for the Development of Environmentally Friendly and Low-Emission Large Engines
Supercomputer – hochkomplexe Computersimulationen sind essenzieller Bestandteil bei der Entwicklung von umweltverträglichen, emissionsarmen Großmotoren
Einmal um die ganze Welt - Steirisches Know-how weltweit gefragt
LEC Optimizes the Computing Process with Atos' Supercomputer
LEC optimiert Rechenprozess mit Supercomputer von Atos
New Concepts for the Reduction of Large Engine Emissions
Neue Konzepte zur Verringerung des Schadstoffausstoßes von Großmotoren
LEC macht Großmotoren umweltfreundlicher
LEC makes large engines environmentally friendly
Successful 28th CIMAC World Congress 2016
Erfolgreicher 28. CIMAC World Congress 2016
Method for Analyzing Prechamber NOx Emissions from Large Gas Engines
Method for Analyzing Prechamber NOx Emissions from Large Gas Engines
Advantages of Statistical Methods in Development of Combustion Concepts for Large Engines
Advantages of Statistical Methods in Development of Combustion Concepts for Large Engines
Detailed Assessment of an Advanced Wide Range Diesel Injector for Dual Fuel Operation of Large Engines
Detailed Assessment of an Advanced Wide Range Diesel Injector for Dual Fuel Operation of Large Engines
Trends in the Development of Large Gas Engines for Power Generation
Trends in the Development of Large Gas Engines for Power Generation
Successful 6th International Conference and Workshop "REMOO"
Erfolgreiche 6. Internationale Konferenz und Workshop "REMOO"
Successful 12th International Symposium for Combustion Diagnostics
Erfolgreiches 12. Internationales Symposium für Verbrennungsdiagnostik
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Prüfstandsmesstechnik auf Basis der Zylinderdruckindizierung und Wege zur Plausibilisierung der Messergebnisse
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Prüfstandsmesstechnik auf Basis der Zylinderdruckindizierung und Wege zur Plausibilisierung der Messergebnisse
Dual Fuel Brennverfahren - Ein zukunftsweisendes Konzept vom Pkw- bis zum Großmotorenbereich?
Dual Fuel Brennverfahren - Ein zukunftsweisendes Konzept vom Pkw- bis zum Großmotorenbereich?
Erfolgreiches 37. Wiener Motorensymposium
Successful 37th Vienna Engine Symposium
Vortrag an der Fachmesse für Industrielle Automatisierung
Presentation at the Symposium for Industrial Automation
Flexible Methoden zur Plausibilisierung von Messdaten
Flexible Methoden zur Plausibilisierung von Messdaten
0D/1D Modeling of Dual Fuel Combustion
Erfolgreicher Workshop "Dual Fuel Combustion"
Successful Workshop "Dual Fuel Combustion"
Concentrated Competence - Long Night of Research 2016
Geballte Kompetenz - Lange Nacht der Forschung 2016
The LEC Takes Part in the Internship Programme of the Graz University of Technology
LEC beteiligt sich an "T³UG" - Teens Treffen Technik, dem Praktikantinnenprogramm der TU Graz
Entry in the Handbuch Dieselmotoren by Springer Fachmedien
Beitrag im Handbuch Dieselmotoren von Springer Fachmedien
Student-Internships at the LEC: Discover the Fascination of Large Engines
Talente-SchülerInnenpraktika am LEC: Entdecke die Faszination von Großmotoren
Advanced Knock Detection For Diesel/Natural Gas Engine Operation
Advanced Knock Detection For Diesel/Natural Gas Engine Operation
Publication in the SAE International Journal of Engines
Publikation im SAE International Journal of Engines
GE's J920 FleXtra Gas Engine for 60 Hz Applications
GE's J920 FleXtra Gas Engine for 60 Hz Applications
"Engineers Are Always in Demand"
Jobs With Excellent Prospects at the LEC in Graz
Jobs mit hervorragender Perspektive am LEC Graz zu vergeben
High Quality International Research Cooperation with GE Jenbacher and Kyushu University in Japan
Hochklassige, internationale Forschungskooperation mit GE Jenbacher und der Kyushu University in Japan
A new approach for combustion modeling of large dual-fuel engines
A new approach for combustion modeling of large dual-fuel engines
Erfolgreiche Fachtagung der Motortechnischen Zeitschrift
Successful Specialist Conference of the "Motortechnischen Zeitschrift"
Sustainable Large Engine Research: Intelligent Concepts That Impress
Nachhaltige Großmotorenforschung: Intelligente Konzepte überzeugen
GEWINN Young Entrepreneurs Competition 2015: The LEC Is One of the 100 Top Young Entrepreneurs in Austria!
GEWINN-Jungunternehmer-Wettbewerb 2015: Das LEC zählt zu den besten Jungunternehmern Österreichs!
Impact of very high injection pressure on soot emissions of medium speed large diesel engines
Impact of very high injection pressure on soot emissions of medium speed large diesel engines
Fundamental Aspects and Progress in Initial Flame Kernel Modeling for Modern Modulated Capacity Discharge High-Energy Ignition Systems
Fundamental Aspects and Progress in Initial Flame Kernel Modeling for Modern Modulated Capacity Discharge High-Energy Ignition Systems
Successful 15th “The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine” Conference
Erfolgreiche 15. Tagung: „Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors“
Contribution to the 15th Conference "The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine"
Beitrag zur 15. Tagung "Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors"
15. Tagung "Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors
15. Tagung "Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors
Further Development of GE's Jenbacher Gas Engines with Prechamber Combustion Concept
Further Development of GE's Jenbacher Gas Engines with Prechamber Combustion Concept
LEC-MCheck - Eine Methodik zur Fehlerdiagnose an Motorprüfständen
LEC-MCheck - Eine Methodik zur Fehlerdiagnose an Motorprüfständen
Impressive Opening Ceremony of the Large Engines Competence Center
Stimmungsvolle Eröffnungsfeier des Large Engines Competence Center
Publication in the Journal of Engineering
Terminaviso: Eröffnungsfeier des Large Engines Competence Center
Auszeichnung für Dissertation von Sebastian Salbrechter
Combustion Prediction for Large Diesel Engines Using 3D CFD Simulation
Combustion Prediction for Large Diesel Engines Using 3D CFD Simulation
Erfolgreiche AVL AST International User Conference 2015
Successful AVL AST International User Conference 2015
Award for Sebastian Salbrechter’s Dissertation
Meet the LEC at the 3rd Styrian Future Day 2nd of June 2015 – Messecongress Graz
15th Conference: The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine
Einladung zur 15. Tagung „Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors“
Treffen Sie das LEC am 3. steirischen Zukunftstag am 2. Juni 2015 - Messe Congress Graz
Progress Through Research GE and the LEC Develop a Completely New Engine
Fortschritt durch Forschung GE und LEC entwickeln völlig neuen Motor
Successful 9th Gas Engine Conference in Dessau
Erfolgreiche 9.Dessauer Gasmotoren Konferenz
GE's J920 FleXtra Gas Engine – 60 Hz Application and Further Improvements for Low NOx Emissions
GE's J920 FleXtra Gas Engine – 60 Hz Application and Further Improvements for Low NOx Emissions
Female Researchers Wanted! The LEC Supports Equal Opportunity and Diversity
ForscherInnen gesucht! Das LEC setzt auf Chancengleichheit und Vielfalt
ÖVK Lecture at the Graz University of Technology
Influence of Crankshaft Torsion on Cylinder Pressure Diagnostics
Influence of Crankshaft Torsion on Cylinder Pressure Diagnostics
Erfolgreiches CIMAC CASCADES Seminar 2015
Efficiency Increase of a High Performance Gas Engine for Distributed Power Generation
Efficiency Increase of a High Performance Gas Engine for Distributed Power Generation
The Giants of the World of Engines Graz Becomes a Hot Spot for Large Engine Technology
Die Giganten der Motorwelt Graz wird Hotspot für Großmotorentechnologie
CIMAC CASCADES 2015 Erster Jungtechniker-Kongress für Großmotoren in Graz
Concentrated Knowledge Innovative Research Collaboration with General Electric
Geballtes Wissen Innovative Forschungskooperation mit GE
LEC Given the Green Light As A K1 COMET Center for Excellent Technologies